Felt like a total a-hole (again) last night. Went out for drinks with Kris, an old friend of John's who I'd met a few times over the years. Everyone there was native French, Italian or Swiss and they all had to speak English on my behalf. Party foul! Yes, I am an ignorant tool.
Prices in Paris include tax and tip (you can tip, but its optional and small). Also, they don't bother with pricing a thing $499.99, its just 500 Euros flat. This simplifies things considerably.
I crave cinema, and I'm going into withdrawal. Thankfully, there's ton of English-Language Cinema in Paris. Unfortunately, its mostly Hollywood. Its easier to see French film in the NYC than in Paris, since they subtitle it for you. I saw Mongol the other night - in Mongolian, with French subtitles. Very fun to learn French that way, in spite the movie being fairly bad. Tomorrow, I'm seeing a movie in Spanish with French subtitles. Hopefully Stephanie and Christiane can break down the plot for me afterward.
Song of the day: Lithops - Kahn. Old school Electronica.
With only three weeks left in Paris, I'm resolved to seize on every opportunity to eat out.