That's right: Rochambeau, baby. Anyone who visited me knows about the mutarde obsession. Well, the quest is over. I finally tracked down these babies in a dark alley.
Cursing: I am successfully cursing less, but I'm using "the patch." ie. I say "shizzle," "heck of," and "dang" all the time. "Son of a b.b. gun" doesn't quite satisfy me.
Probably going to rent a place in Barcelona this week. Tempted by Berlin - should have done it in July instead of a second month in Rome. I had this idea that I should stay MUCH longer in a city than a tourist would, so you start to reap other non-tourist benefits, like knowing people. Definitely was true for Paris, so perhaps I didn't screw up after all.
Bought airfare from Rome to Barcelona and from there to NYC. Is it possible to look at Barcelona and NOT get excited?
Song of the day: No Age - Keechie.